Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Is your Liver causing you to Break Out?

   Hey everyone! I hope your are all doing well.  Today I'd like to dive a little deeper into the liver and its role in acne.  It is most likely a factor in your acne, if not the main reason.

  When you eat food, have stress, or smoke (to name a few) you are putting certain toxins into your body.  These toxins usually get filtered out by your liver, and that is the end of them.  However, in some cases, our livers aren't in the best condition.  In these cases, the toxins end up getting redirected to another filter, known as the skin.  This usually isn't a problem unless your skin has a problem too.  Sometimes when skin doesn't regenerate fast enough, and there is too much sebum on your face, toxins mix in with that causing acne.

   So how do we get these toxins filtered by just your liver instead of your skin?  That's easy...

Milk Thistle.

There is a fantastic herb that is known for regenerating damaged liver cells and in turn, this lets the liver do it's filtering job correctly.  This herb is called Milk Thistle.  I myself have been using it for 2 months now, and I must say I feel good.  It has not only helped clear my skin but it made my body feel younger.  It has helped my energy levels, irritability, and my bags under my eyes are gone too!  Try starting out with a bottle of Milk Thistle Tincture, the tinctures of herbs always dissolve in your body at a much higher rate than powders.  Start with two droppers full a day in a small glass of juice.

Watch out for the first few days, your acne may get a bit worse since all the toxins are getting pushed out, but don't fret, it will get better!

I hope this information gets into the right hands!  Look out for my next post about Skin Cell Regeneration and how it can be your answer to clear skin!

Stay healthy,
Tom Rio

Visit My Site! Awesome Acne Cure.Com

Friday, April 20, 2012

Acne has a cure.

Acne has a cure, a few cures actually.  There are so many folks out there who say, "just wash your face", or, "don't eat so much chocolate".  They could not be more wrong.  Sure you need to cleanse your face, and watch what you eat, but just washing your face and eating less chocolate is like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound.
Since this is my first post I will go over what this blog will go through.  There are a few main causes of acne, they are as follows:

  • Food we eat that brings toxins into our body
  • Stress and Hormones releasing toxins into our body
  • Liver Functioning issues
  • Skin Regeneration issues
last but not least..
  • hygiene (not using salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and glycolic acid)
The posts that will follow will consist of an in depth cure, per post, for each of the different causes.  I may also do a question and answer post or a FAQ post depending upon the questions I receive.  I look forward to helping you all get acne free! 

Thomas Rio